Детальная информация

Bilefsky, Dan. A Blind Sherlock Holmes: Fighting Crime with Acute Listening / Dan Bilefsky // The Braille Monitor : Voice of the National Federation of the Blind. — Baltimore., 2007. — Vol. 50, № 11 : December. — P. 910-913. — .

Источник: The Braille Monitor: Voice of the National Federation of the Blind. — Vol. 50, № 11: December, 2007


Опыт работы незрячего полицейского. The story appeared on October 29, 2007 in the International Herald Tribune. The new job for blind people seems to have been established in Belgium. Sacha van Loo (36 лет) is not your typical cop. He wields a white cane instead of a gun. And from the purr of an engine on a wiretap, he can discern whether a suspect is driving a Peugeot, a Honda, or a Mercedes.
