Детальная информация

Maurer, Matt. A Radical Approach to the Evaluation of Education for the Blind / Matt Maurer // The Braille Monitor : Voice of the National Federation of the Blind. — Baltimore., 2008. — Vol. 51, № 1 : January. — P. 38-42. — .

Источник: The Braille Monitor: Voice of the National Federation of the Blind. — Vol. 51, № 1: January, 2008


Оценка системы образования незрячих, проблемы и перспективы. A few years ago Dr. Matt Maurer (a professor at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana) sent a proposal to the National Federation of the Blind that he be supported in an effort to study education for blind children in the United States. The board of directors of the National Federation of the Blind reviewed the proposal and approved it. He was given a stipend and travel expenses to examine education for blind children. Mark Riccobono (director of education) worked with Professor Maurer during the year that he did his review
