Детальная информация

Ferrell, Kay Alicyn. Reach out and teach [Text] : helping your child who is visually impaired learn and grow / Kay Alicyn Ferrell ; consulting editor: S. J. Spungin. — 2nd ed. — New York : AFB Press : American Foundation for the Blind, 2011. — xii, 447 p.: ill. — Glossary: p. 421-426. — Index: p. 438-445. — Содерж.: Your child is visually impaired: what now? ; Your child's vision ; Getting started: How you can help your baby learn ; Early intervention: why is it important? ; Your first year together: emerging skills ; Life with your toddler: practicing beginning skills ; Your preschooler and you: reinforcing development ; Almost time for school! Focusing on readiness ; Kindergarten and beyond : what to expect. — ISBN 978-0-89128-457-4.

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