Детальная информация

Chen, Deborah. Tactile strategies for children who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities [Text] : promoting communication and learning skills / Deborah Chen, June E. Downing. — New York : AFB Press : American Foundation for the Blind, 2006. — 210 p.: ill. — References: p. 167-174. — Resources: p. 175-193. — Glossary: p. 195-197. — Index: p. 199-207. — Содерж.: главы: The sense of touch ; Supporting interactions through touch ; Assessing tactile skills and planning interventions ; Focusing on tactile strategies ; Considering multiple communication options ; Adapting manual signs to meet a child's needs ; Selecting appropriate tactile strategies ; Encouraging emergent literacy. — ISBN 978-0-89128-819-0.

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